IMC Fachhochschule Krems University


IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems or IMC Krems is an international focused university located in the heart of the Wachau region in Austria. Krems is a small university town rich in tradition and is often called the education capital of Lower Austria.  

IMC Krems offers Bachelor and Masters programmes in the areas of Business Studies, International Management, Hospitality Management, Health Studies and Life Sciences. The Hospitality and Export-Oriented Management are taught primarily in English.

The Wachau is an Austrian valley with a landscape of high visibility formed by the Danube river. It is one of the most prominent tourist destinations of Lower Austria. The region is also an UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Krems is situated about 90 km northwest of Vienna, or an hour train ride from Vienna. 

Since 1994 the IMC Krems has taken on a pioneering role in the development of practice-oriented undergraduate programs.  It is the first Austrian University of Applied Sciences that introduced a mandatory internship semester abroad and English as the sole language of instruction.

The IMC Krems has also established a network of 85 partner universities in 26 countries and cooperation with a steadily growing number of business, tourism and hospitality enterprises all over the world. Tourism forms an important part of Austria's service economy, accounting for almost 9% of the Austrian gross domestic product. Austria has also made significant progress in becoming an international conference center.




Located right next to the University’s Campus Krems and the International Campus Piaristengasse facilities.

-> Accommodation for 103 students, all year round. Single rooms and double rooms. All rooms are equipped with shower, toilet, telephone, Internet and satelite television connections. Some rooms have a balcony. Community kitchens on every floor.

For more information on Housing, please refer to this link:


From St.Pölten: Westbahn up to St. Pölten, then change trains for Krems. Now you can either take the Citybus Nr. 1/stop: Donau-Universität or the connecting train direction “Wachau” (get off at Campus Krems).

From Vienna: Franz-Josefs Station (trains leave hourly) for Krems Bahnhof. There change trains for “Wachau”. Get off at station Campus Krems or take the Citybus Nr. 1/stop Donau-Universität.

Walking distance main train station – Campus Krems: approx. 15-20 min

School website:

 Host University: IMC FH KREMS


This International Campus is located up a hill in the centre of the small town of Krems, Austria.

 Modules Taken:  Modules Taken:
 •Intercultural Competence  •Export Marketing
 •E-Tourism  •Project & Process Management
 •Event Management  •International Management Methods
 •Meeting Industry Management  •International Marketing & Sales I
 •Sustainable Tourism Development  •Purchase and Logistics I
 •Tourism Product Development                                                               •Marketing Research
Overall Costs:

To get there: 
Visa - S$51 admin fee (VISA is complimentary)
Return Airfare – S$1305 FINNAIR – we recommend for its “Youth flight” which allows for 2 bags/23kg each = 46kg (most airlines only provide for 30kg)

While on exchange:
Rent – 338 EUR/mth
Groceries – 50 EUR/mth
Leisure – 50 EUR/mth
Data – 15 EUR/mth

Travel throughout – S$5-6k/depends on individual


*Costs shown above are only estimates as per the period of participation & may differ on a case-by-case basis.

**Total Costs do not include personal expenses (shopping, travelling etc.)


         Language barriers – Austrians speak German and they don’t necessarily like to speak English

Lack of convenience – Embrace that no where in the world will ever beat the conveniences of what SIN offers

Cultural Differences – The fact that their shops close early and most shops are not open on a Sunday

Homesick – It is normal to feel homesick, so I try to Skype my family and friends as much as possible. Also going out and making new friends helps as well.


 Experience gained: 
Being Independent - Things that I would usually have my family accompany or help me do, I did it by myself.
New Friends – I get to meet various students from different parts of the world and countries I have never heard.
Travel – Since we are on OSEP, halfway across the world, might as well. Travelling is also a part of education, we learn so much just by experiencing.
Work Hard, Play Hard -  As much as I mugged for exams, I also had my fair share of parties and get-togethers.
Reflecting – In the midst of experiencing and being away from home, there are times where I took a step back and reflected on my journey and also as an individual. (Life in general)
Balance out school and party – Even when you’re out Thursday night, please be in school Friday morning even if its 8am and fake a smile throughout!
Do not miss a single dance party – I met most of my friends at dance parties and we danced like nobody’s watching!
For everybody’s sake, travel! – AUT is Central Europe, bordering countries are only a couple of hours away!
Learn something new everyday – I learnt how to tip and still get change back, speak horrible German nobody understood, but I tried!
Embrace self-discovery – mentally and emotionally, 140 days helped me grow and be content with all that I have

Tip for Singaporean to survive Europe

         Create your own conveniences - if walking isn’t your thing, get a bike. If studying off a laptop screen is hard, figure out the printing machine early!
Ask in the local language when on travel – they’ll want to help you more

Network! – these are friends for life, I already have my Summer 2016 in Hawaii planned for a reunion!!

Be prepared – buy your groceries or anything you would need before hand, literally all shops in Krems are closed on Sundays.

Language – at least learn a few words that can help you get by like “Thank you”, “Please” and “Left, right, up, down” etc.

Go out, have fun, meet humans – you are on exchange, create friendships and memories. Have fun!!!